Dental Health Information – Caries, Lesions, Sealants, and etc

21 Myths About Cavitated Lesions

Cavitated lesions (caries, caviated tooth, lesion on tooth) are formed due to acids produced by bacteria, and plaque, which accumulates on the teeth or under the gums. The acidic environment in the mouth affects the condition of the teeth, and if you do not follow oral hygiene, harmful bacteria begin to multiply – this is how caries is formed. If you have caries at the initial stage, then it will be completely possible to get by applying a seal at the dentist. However, if the damage is much deeper, then you will need more serious treatment.

Caries is surrounded by many myths. Here are some of them that you probably heard about or read somewhere. And we will try to dispel them!

1. Sugar is the main cause of tooth decay

It is a myth, but almost a fact.

The truth is that acids produced by bacteria in the mouth cause tooth decay, says Kimberly A. Harms, MD. However, these bacteria are called up to form acid when you eat something with carbohydrates, and sugars are carbohydrates. Rice, potatoes, bread, fruits and vegetables are also carbohydrates. After the acid corrodes your tooth, the bacteria “forms a comfortable hole for life where your toothbrush and floss cannot reach,” says Harms. Bacteria continue to absorb carbohydrates and produce acids – and your caries gets bigger. Here is an important fact. Not the amount of carbohydrates that you eat causes tooth decay, but the length of time affects the formation of caries. If you eat a lot of carbohydrates for lunch, this is one big exposure. But if you spend the day driking sweet drinks, this is a continuous impact – and much more harmful for the teeth.

2. Exposure to acidic foods such as lemons causes tooth decay

Truth. Acid-forming foods such as lemon, citrus juices or soft drinks do not cause tooth decay, but they can be harmful to enamel. “Acids can destroy enamel and weaken the tooth. If you lose the protective enamel and expose the dentin underlying the tooth, the tooth will now be more prone to decay.

3. Children are much more likely to develop caries than adults

Myth. With the help of fillings, fluorinated water and prevention, we have actually halved the formation of caries in school-aged children in the last 20 years. The main thing is to teach your child to brush his or her teeth, and toothpaste and brush will help them in this.

4. Aspirin, placed near the teeth, helps with toothache

Myth. Swallowing aspirin is what helps reduce toothache. Since aspirin is an acid, placing it next to your teeth can actually destroy the gum tissue, causing an abscess. Do not do this, always swallow aspirin if you have a tooth ache!

5. In the end, all seals need to be replaced.

Myth. An amalgam or composite seal must be replaced if it breaks or caries forms around it or a tooth breaks. If none of these problems arise, you can keep the same seal for life.

Fillings have a lifespan, but this depends on a factor such as tooth wear and oral hygiene. If you brush your teeth twice a day with fluorinated toothpaste and floss, rinse your mouth once a day, you will be less likely to get caries and fillings can last longer.

6. If you have caries, you will know about it

Myth. This is a big myth. Mild caries does not cause symptoms. The pain that we associate with tooth decay occurs when it has a more complex stage and leads to nerve damage. By allowing tooth decay to progress, you will have to undergo more expensive procedure, such as tooth removal. This is why regular dental checkups are so important. In addition, when caries begins, it cannot be cured by itself. Caries will inevitably progress as soon as it reaches a point where you cannot clear it. As soon as tooth decay reaches the dentin of the tooth – under enamel – it simply continues to develop.

7. After the tooth is cured, tooth decay stops

Truth. Caries may form later in other areas of the tooth, but this caries will no longer disturb you. Once the tooth is sealed – and if you maintain good habits of brushing, flossing, and rinsing – you should no longer have caries problems in this place again.

8. Caries is more likely to occur between teeth.

Truth. Bacteria can hide in any place where you are not able to use a toothbrush or floss and this is a likely place for tooth decay. For example, the deep canals on the back of the front teeth are a good place for tooth decay. And yes, tooth decay can form between the teeth, as the toothbrush is often not available there and many people have problems with flossing. In this case, rinsing the mouth with fluoride (also called anti-caries rinsing) is used, which can give you extra protection.

9. Cleft teeth encourages tooth decay

Truth. If you have a small gap between the teeth that has difficult access, then this place is more prone to tooth decay. Large crevices are easier to clean. So, while the cracks do not have bacteria, they are less likely to develop caries.

10. Sensitivity in teeth means that you have caries

Myth. Tooth sensitivity may simply mean that you have hypersensitive teeth, or there is a recession of the gums that some roots undergo. You may also have a cracked or broken tooth, or you may need a root canal. There are many things, including tooth decay, which can lead to increased tooth sensitivity.

11. Squeezing and grinding may result in tooth decay.

Truth. Squeezing and grinding is one of the most damaging things you can do for your teeth. During normal chewing, the teeth touch only a millisecond, creating minor stress. But squeezing and grinding are putting enormous pressure on the teeth for a long period of time.

12. You do not need to worry about decay in baby teeth

Myth. Milk teeth hold space for permanent teeth. If carious cavities in milk teeth are not treated, they can develop into severe pain and abscesses. Sometimes the infection can spread to other parts of the body, and in rare cases it can even lead to serious illnesses.

Category: Health and Wellness

Tags: cavities, dental care, dental caries, teens, teeth health