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Dental Pits and Fissures

Dental Pits and Fissures

The appearance of pit and fissure cavities is a common dental defect. It is formed for various reasons: destruction due to bad habits, such as alcohol addiction and smoking, nervous biting of pens, nails and other hard objects, cracks can also form on the teeth due to shock, due to the alternation of hot and cold -fat food, eating low-vitamin meals all the time, taking medication and even grinding your jaws at night. It is especially unpleasant when the enamel cracked on the front tooth. However, it doesn’t matter what exactly led to this, because later you are interested in What I should do if I get dental fissures or pits.


Fissures in the teeth. A fissure in the front teeth can be superficial damage, but in some cases the depth of the fracture reaches the pulp and root. Their formation in the future, if untreated, leads to fractures and dislocations. The classification is based on the direction of the fissures:

  • Inclined split. It is located relatively diagonally; when launched, it necessarily provokes a splinter of the tooth bite;
  • Horizontal. Even slight damage further provokes cleavage;
  • Vertical. It passes through the entire tooth, dividing it into two parts, from crown to root. It may go deep into the gums;
  • Internal. They are invisible during examination, they appear during serious complications.

Treatment options

The first type of dental fissures can be masked with veneers.

The second is treatable in some cases with pulp removal if the damage has reached it. If the place of localization is at the root or near the gums, then either removal or complete restoration on the cult is carried out.

The third type involves the depulpation with subsequent filling of the canal, often dentists suggest installing a crown. If the damage has gone deep into the tooth root, then removal is performed. Since internal tooth fissures are determined even with serious injuries, then removal is carried out with further prosthetics.

What if my tooth broke?

There are other methods to prevent unpleasant consequences when the teeth crack, all of them are aimed at strengthening the upper layer. These include remineralization – the doctor prescribes gels with active active substances, such as phosphorus, calcium and fluorine. Its soft formula prevents additional damage to the tooth surface and bring any discomfort.

When remineralization has strengthened the tooth, it is required to close the fissure of the tooth enamel to prevent the pathological process. Usually this is done with a special composite varnish, which is applied to the entire surface and dried. The composition is absolutely safe. In addition, it also contains substances that strengthens the surface. Artificial coating, unfortunately, is short-lived. For its renewal, it is advisable to visit the dentist’s office a couple of times a year.

Installation of veneers is proposed in cases where varnishing cannot be rectified. Veneers are very thin, made of ceramics. They are made individually for each patient, taking into account color and anatomical features. They completely cover aesthetic defects, in addition – it is a reliable protection against other damages.

The key to effective treatment is patient assistance. During the procedures, you cannot use bleaching pastes and create additional injury factors, etc.

Signs of cracking teeth

The causes of cracks in the front teeth of the crack can be detected by simple inspections unless they have formed inside. That is, the first way to identify the problem is a purely visual approach.

The next characteristic symptom will be pain, it occurs in cases where the damage affects the pulp. The pain is felt when chewing food, strong closing of the jaws, brushing, temperature changes.

Proper nutrition and routine will help prevent injuries.

What can you do at home to avoid cracks in the front and other teeth? It is more reasonable to ask this question than to reap the fruits of your careless attitude to health.

Of course, you need to protect yourself from household injuries and strokes.

Foods that you should eat:

  • Hard cheese, high in calcium and phosphorus;
  • Parsley, dill, basil, which contain essential oils that have a beneficial effect on disinfection;
  • Berries, vegetables and fruits, they hold the primacy in the content of vitamins;
  • Dairy products;
  • Natural juices, fresh without sugar.

Foods and habits to avoid:

  • Strongly hot and cold drinks;
  • Salty foods, most doctors believe that salt helps to wash out calcium from bone structures;
  • Limited alcohol consumption;
  • Smoking.

Other tips:

  • If it is not possible to buy high-quality and fresh foods enriched with minerals, it is necessary to buy calcium + vitamin D at a pharmacy, which contributes to better absorption of calcium;
  • Cleaning should be done after each meal. If it is not possible to do this, then rinse your mouth with water;
  • Visit the dentist for preventive examination once every six months;
  • You can rinse your oral cavity with decoctions of sage, chamomile, oak bark;
  • If you have high sensitivity and a thinner top layer, avoid whitening tooth pastes;
  • The use of strengthening pastes will be useful;
  • Massage the gums with a soft-brushed brush to ensure blood flow to the tooth tissue.

If a crack has already formed on the teeth, then these tips will not help, and only an immediate visit to the doctor will provide timely help. Children are especially prone to injury because their baby teeth have not become stronger. The danger of ignoring the initial signs leads to a greater split due to the constantly mechanical load in the form of chewing. As a result, a fragment can remain from the whole structure with a long disregard, which is either removed or restored using pins, composite materials and crowns, or an implant is inserted. It is especially difficult for doctors to make a diagnosis at the first symptoms since the pain is wandering, inconstant. Only a thorough examination and visual inspection will put an end to the diagnosis.

If the process is started, then there may be complications in the form of bleeding of the gums, ulcers in the places of contact of the crack and mucous membrane, pulpitis, bad smell, changes in appearance and color due to necrosis.

Category: Health and Wellness

Tags: dental care, dental pits, Dentist, teeth, teeth health